The dryer Clay Fitness + Nutrition had a problem today. I couldn’t help but think how unlucky for me it was that I needed to take the 70+ towels that needed to be washed from the studio home with me, giving new meaning to ‘taking your work home with you’. After dinner (and a couple drinks!) I was relegated back to the laundry room at Clay because I needed to drop the towels there for the following day’s classes before I had to leave to travel for the weekend. To my surprise, what I thought would be a bothersome job actually became an opportunity for appreciation.
As I folded through more than 70 towels I had the chance to appreciate the hard work and sweat that had drenched them. I thought of the people who showed up loyally today and worked their tails off to get better, stronger and faster. I felt respect for their loyalty and effort, and inspired by the number of people (as enumerated by the towels) who had come, sweat, jumped, ran, pushed, pulled, twisted, lunged, squatted, slammed, and so on. I began to see their faces and recalled their names. Miller…Kimberly…Emily…Jody…Jeff…Chip…Anne… Melinda…Flora…Diana…Heather…Sarah…Eric…Christy…Janice and so many more…
Thank you for loving what we do. Thank you for making Clay what it is. Thank you for your effort and sweat. Thanks for letting me fold your towels. So good when something mundane becomes meaningful.