Before picture was taken in September 2006, after picture was taken in August 2007.
Mary’s Story
Meeting Hyam has been a life-changing experience! I have always been dedicated to a routine fitness program and careful about what I eat. I faithfully went to the gym five days a week to do my personally designed cardio and weight routine. I even felt as though I was in relatively “good” shape, but for those ten pounds. It was not until I decided to sign up for Hyam’s three-month ‘Results CyclingTM’ class that I realized how little I knew about fitness and nutrition. During the 3 month program I learned how to use a heart rate monitor effectively, gained perspective on what I was eating, and gained a deeper understanding of what to eat and when. My heart rate monitor has become my loyal workout buddy—I can not move without it.
“My endurance and stamina has definitely increased and I am now training to run a half-marathon in celebration of my 50th birthday.”
She definitely taught me how to achieve and exceed my personal goals. Since September 2006, I am proud to say that I have dropped three dress sizes and lost 28 pounds – much more than the 10 I set out for. My endurance and stamina has definitely increased and I am now training to run a half-marathon in celebration of my 50th birthday (in two years). Everything I learned from Hyam, I am able to take with me and apply on my own. It has been a year and I’ve been able to maintain the changes I achieved.